Removing the steering knuckle
1. Remove the hub and unscrew the bolts, disconnect the brake assembly from the steering knuckle and hang it on a rope.
2. Disconnect the tie rod from the steering knuckle arm.
A) Remove the cotter pin and unscrew the nut.
b) Using the special tool, disconnect the tie rod from the steering knuckle arm.
3. Disconnect the tie rod end from the steering knuckle arm.
A) Remove the cotter pin and unscrew the nut.
b) Using the special tool, disconnect the tie rod end from the steering knuckle arm.
4. Remove a rotary fist.
A) Remove the top steering knuckle gasket.
b) Loosen the nut and use a plastic hammer to knock out the pin lock pin.
V) Using a special drift and a hammer, knock out the finger.
G) Remove the steering knuckle, washer and O-ring bearing.
Rounded fist (Dyna 150).
1 - Swivel fist,
2, 7, 14 - Cotter pin,
3 - Tie rod end,
4 - O-ring,
5 - Upper steering knuckle gasket,
6, 9 - Sleeve,
8 - Finger,
10 - Lower steering knuckle gasket,
11 - Washer,
12 - Bearing,
13 - Stop bolt,
15 - Longitudinal steering rod.
d) Remove the two O-rings from the steering knuckle and the bearing.
Checking the steering knuckle arm
Using penetrating paint, check the steering knuckle for cracks and replace if necessary.
Bushing replacement
1. Using a drift, press out the top and bottom bushings.
2. Install the top and bottom bushings.
A) Using a drift, install the new top bushing as shown.
b) Using a drift, install the new lower bushing so that the holes in the bushing line up with the holes in the knuckle bosses.
Note: Bushings are installed with a lubricated inner surface.
V) Measure the inside diameter of the bushing.
- Inner diameter - 25.01-25.02 mm
G) If necessary, process with a special sweep.
Installing the steering knuckle
1. Install the 'O' rings on the bottom of the top sleeve and bearing.
2. Establish a rotary fist.
3. Install your finger.
A) Position the hole down and the barbed side of your finger towards the hole.
b) Using a hammer, hammer in the finger so that its bottom edge is at the level of the beam.
Note: Apply grease to bushing, bearing.
V) Install the bearing and use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance between the knuckle boss and the bearing.
- Gap - 0.10 mm or less
G) Select a washer and install it between the knuckle boss and the bearing.
- Washer thickness - 0.05; 0.10; 0.25 mm
d) Use a hammer to hammer your finger all the way in.
e) Make sure the fist turns freely.
and) Install the pin lock pin and tighten the nut.
- Tightening torque - 37 Nm
4. Establish the top lining of a rotary fist and by means of a hammer hammer in a new bottom lining of a rotary fist.
5. Connect the tie rod end to the steering knuckle arm, tighten with the nut and install the cotter pin.
- Tightening torque - 152 Nm
6. Connect the tie rod to the steering knuckle arm, tighten with a nut and install the cotter pin.
- Tightening torque - 152 Nm
7. Lubricate the steering knuckle.
8. Install the brake assembly and tighten with bolts.
- Tightening torque - 127 Nm
9. Install the front wheel hub.
10. Check up corners of installation of forward wheels.