Removing the clutch
If you need to remove the engine or transmission, be sure to remove the clutch to check it. When removing the clutch after removing the engine or gearbox, perform the following work:
- Mark the installation position of the clutch in relation to the flywheel. To do this, a core is used to hit the clutch cover and the outside of the flywheel.
- Unscrew the clutch bolts evenly crosswise (Pic. 155) until the springs are unloaded.
Pic. 155. Unscrew or tighten the clutch basket bolts evenly crosswise.
- Remove the clutch basket and pull out the driven disc.
- Immediately wipe the inside of the flywheel with a rag and check its working surface. If the driven disc is worn down to the rivet heads, the rivets may have damaged the flywheel.